Podcast with Liberty Comms The State of African Telecoms

It was good to be involved in this podcast hosted by James Meredith of Liberty Comms and featured Craig Palmer CEO of VAS-X and Rounak Taiwar AVP of Tecnotree Corporation where we had a great discussion about African telecoms market https://open.spotify.com/episode/7b75J1EJ8rSlcEXJEqx5uy?go=1&sp_cid=56429d5e058be4cc3f1441006be7e936&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1&dlsi=9691b9a60b084cd2

Conversation with VAS-X

I’m having a conversation with Craig Palmer who is CEO of VAS-X and discussing their approach to business in Africa. Craig, can you tell me more about VAS-X vas-x.com/ With over 20 years of experience, South African-based VAS-X has established itself as a trusted partner to customers, delivering unparalleled value and a competitive advantage. We […]

Qvantel and how their BSS solution enables growth in Africa, a conversation with Martin Morgan You have an impressive booth at MWC, how has the show been for you? It has been very good for us. We have put out some recent announcements about agreements we have signed and that has helped to generate increased […]